benefits of drinking green tea in the morning

benefits of drinking green tea in the morning 


benefits of drinking green tea

In general, all types of tea come from one plant is called Camellia Sinensis, two varieties are present. Out of which one grows in China where we get our white and green teas and another grows in India which grows oolong and black tea.

Out of all these teas, green tea has the most flavonoids which are important for antioxidant purposes.

Green tea is claimed to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. Making the switch to green tea, or at least changing up the routine to include green tea in your daily routine, is a smart idea due to its antioxidants property that has many health benefits such as

  • Improves brain function
  • Fat loss
  • Increases fat burning
  • Protecting against cancer
  • Lowering the risk of heart disease
  • Improves skin health
  • Fights off Depression


benefits of drinking green tea

Fat loss

It contains caffeine and catechins which boost your metabolism and increases fat burning. It can burn up to 70-100 calories per day. It is an effective digestion booster. Consuming green tea before work out acts as a bonus for you.

Protecting against cancer

Green tea consist of polyphenols which helps in fighting cancer in mouth, kidney, pancreas, stomach, and mammary glands.

Lowering the risk of heart disease

Studies show that green tea exerts protective effects against cardiovascular diseases, consuming aromatic, light tea may lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides which reduces the risk of death from heart diseases and stroke

Improves skin health

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that fight damage from UV rays to prevent freckles, dark spots, and pigmentation. Green tea reduces irritation, redness, and swelling on the skin

It is a potent anti-aging ingredient that combats signs of aging when consumed regularly. It is a powerful antibacterial agent and fights against acne and other skin problems. Other than this it also contains vitamin B2 and vitamin E which smoothens and toned your skin.

Fights off Depression

Many studies have found that drinking a cup of green tea daily lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and thus keeps you in a good mood. Green tea also contains amino acid L-theanine that increases the activity of inhibitory neurotransmitters that have anti-anxiety effects. 

The healthiest way to drink green tea:-

To get the most from green tea, the best way is to drink it on an empty stomach.

Drinking 3-5 cups of green tea per day seems to be best for most health benefits. Very high doses may be problematic for some. Drinking more green tea may greatly improve your health.

Side effects

  • People with severe caffeine sensitivities could experience insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, or an upset stomach after drinking green tea.
  • It reduces the absorption of iron from food.
  • Consuming a high concentration of green tea extract may negatively impact liver health in rare cases.


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