How to gain weight for teenage girls

Gaining weight for skinny teenage girls is a big task and there are always some ways to gain weight.

First of all, check your BMI and decide how much weight you want to gain.

The formula for calculating BMI is

BMI = weight/(height)²

BMI =Kg/m²

BMI of 25.0 or more is overweight

 The healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. BMI 

 A BMI of 18 or below is underweight

Being skinny can either be genetic or just the result of an amazing metabolic rate but there are various problems all skinny girls go through.

how to gain weight

Reasons For Being Underweight

  • Metabolic rate of some people is so high that they fail to gain weight even after eating high-calorie foods.
  • Some people are genetically born with genes that make them naturally thin and have a low BMI.
  • Medical conditions can also cause weight loss-like hyperthyroid diabetes (Type 1), cancer, and any infectious diseases.
  • People with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa can be underweight.
  • People who have depression may experience a severe loss of appetite and lose a substantial amount of weight very quickly. Such people need immediate medical help.

Why being underweight matters

Having less weight is not good for anyone it affects your immune system also leaves you with less energy. It also delays your growth and development due to an inadequate amount of vitamin minerals in your body. Being underweight also affects your hormone level which is not a good sign for a teenage girl as it leads to irregular periods.

Taking proper food is most likely the best method one can gain weight. You will need a diet plan to aid you in gaining weight through eating.

Healthy ways to gain weight

  • Teenager’s meals must be rich in nutritional fibers. Foods such as legumes, broccoli, oats, carrots, wheat, whole-grain grains, nuts and seeds, potato skins, avocado, and bananas must be part of the usual diet of teenagers.
  • Have breakfast containing – porridge with chopped fruit or raisins, or eggs toast.
  • Have lunch containing carbohydrate, protein-rich food items-like a cup of rice with pulses, meat, or fish as a protein source and vegetable salad and a cup of yogurt or curd.
  • For dinner have brown rice with beans curry and vegetable salad containing cucumber, tomatoes, onion, etc.
  • Try whole-milk yogurts and milky puddings, such as rice pudding, to help build your weight up.
  • Eat 3 regular meals a day with some healthy snacks in between.
  • To increase weight, teenagers should eat an extra 500 to 1000 calories.
  • Increase fraction size and add more calories to your food.
  • Add nuts, avocado, flaxseeds, and olive oil to your regular meal or snacks. 
  • Don’t go for sodas or chips in its place. Drink fruit juice instead of soda.

Best Foods To Gain Weight

  1. Avocados

  2. Nuts & Nut Butter
  3. Whole Milk
  4. Fatty Fish
  5. Brown rice
  6. Quinoa

  7. Oats
  8. Corn
  9. Dark chocolate

  10. Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  11. Olive oil
  12. Whole eggs
  13. Dried fruit

Other foods to avoid:

  • Sugar-free foods
  • Calorie-free fluids
  • Fat-free foods
  • Low-fat foods
  • Low-carb foods

  •  If you combine your diet plan with proper training you will get an extra benefit, like the additional calories from foods and high-calorie snacks can be used to build muscle instead of just adding fat.


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